New Cortana list skill helps you manage your To Do lists

Kit McDonald

Cortana for Android

Windows 10 is always willing to give Cortana the spotlight, particularly when she learns to do something new. Just in time for the holiday season, the virtual assistant is now able to create lists.

Cortana automatically has a Grocery, To-Do, and Shopping lists made for you that you can start adding items to. You can even use voice commands such as “Hey Cortana, start a Holiday list” and so on to add more. “Add (item) to my (list name) list” will result in the item being added on the list and bring the list up to view.

If you don’t have anything to add presently, the command “View my grocery list” will show you the items you’ve added, edit them, or click the checkmark to remove them.  It’s a simple addition to the suite of Microsoft’s favorite artificial intelligence, but one that can be more than useful from everyday errands to business endeavors.

In partnership with the popular list application Wunderlist, which Microsoft acquired back in June 2015, Cortana can also integrate lists from your previously made account. Wunderlist also makes it possible to set due dates and create lists from its mobile app meaning you’ll be able to have your list on the go through either of the sources.

For now, the feature is only available in English but like most of Cortana’s commands, it’s likely we’ll see her role out with a list of more as time goes by.