We’ve known for a while now that one of the visual changes coming to Microsoft apps in Windows 10 on PC and mobile would be a redesign of the icons in first-party apps representing people using a circular design while things, places, or events would retain the usual square icons.
Like it or not, this design decision seems to be set in stone, at least for the foreseeable future and as of today can now be seen in the updated Music app on Windows 10 Mobile. As you can see in these images, the song and album artists are displayed as circular icons while the songs and albums themselves are shown as square. The circle within a square design does look admittedly clunky though that could change in a further update before the official public launch of the new OS.
This latest update to the Music app on Windows 10 Mobile also brings with it several smaller fixes and improvements with one of the more notable ones being the increase in screen real estate to view more music due to filters and sorts now hiding when browsing music.
What do you think about these new design choices? Have the circles grown on you or do you want them to stick to the squares now more than ever? Share your praise or frustration in the comments below.