Monster Hunter World is free to play on Xbox One this week

Jonny Caldwell

Monster Hunter: World on Xbox One

The folks at Capcom are running a trial period for Monster Hunter World this week for anyone with either an Xbox One or PlayStation 4 console. The trial gives access to virtually the whole game to anyone for free, including most of the game’s story, quests, gear, and upgrades up to Hunter Rank 4. Additionally, any saved data from playing during the trial period can be carried over if you decide to purchase the full version later.

Speaking of which, the game is also half off during this week’s Deals with Gold. So you have until the week’s end to decide whether or not you can spare the $25 to purchase the game. The trial comes almost a year after the game was released on the Xbox One, and has since become an Xbox One X Enhance title sporting improved visuals on Microsoft’s 6-teraflop console.

If you’re interested, you can download the trial using our link below. Feel free to let us know what you think about the game in the comment area below.

Developer: CAPCOM CO., LTD.
Price: $19.99