Microsoft’s To-Do app gains UI Fluent Design changes

Brad Stephenson

Microsoft To-Do app

Microsoft’s To-Do app has updated on Windows 10 PCs with a few nice UI changes. The most significant change is the addition of Fluent Design aesthetics with the removal of the top bar. This is the first time Fluent Design has been added to To-Do and more significant design changes are planned for future updates.

Other changes include some improvements to switching themes and some UI bug fixes. Here’s the full release notes.

  • Have you tried out our brand-new feature Steps? Found in the Detail View after clicking on a to-do, Steps help you divide larger tasks into bite-sized pieces.
  • New: We’re making our first Fluent design changes to To-Do. Take a peek at your minimize and maximize buttons and you’ll notice we’ve removed the top bar. Stay tuned as we’ve for more Fluent updates on the way!
  • Improved: Switching themes now looks even better with new animations, plus a bunch more UI fixes.

Microsoft To-Do is a task management app that’s available for free on Windows 10, iOS, and Android. Do you use To-Do? Let us know if you enjoy the experience in the comments below and make sure to like us on Facebook for more app news.