Microsoft's new Imagine Bowl may get you to Super Bowl 50 and $50,000

Dave W. Shanahan

Imagine Bowl

According to Xbox Wire, Microsoft has come up with a new way to engage NFL fans called, Imagine Bowl. As an official sponsor of the NFL, Microsoft created the first ever Imagine Bowl as a way to reward creativity and innovation in preparation for Super Bowl 50. From now until December 1, you can submit your idea in up to 3,000 words (or a quick 2-minute video) on how the NFL could use technology to improve the experience in three categories. The categories include, on the field for players and coaches, for the fans at the game, or improving the viewing experience for fans at home. Three lucky finalists with the most creative and helpful ideas with a win a trip to Super Bowl 50, and the grand prize winner will take home $50,000.
Microsoft provides the NFL with the latest technology at their fingertips; using Surfaces on the sidelines to go over plays, view game video, and analyze players statistics. Microsoft is always looking for easier and more efficient ways of helping NFL teams be more competitive and better equipped to defeat their opponents on-the-fly. Microsoft is also looking to make the NFL more data-driven and exciting. Microsoft hopes that Imagine Bowl will show what’s possible when its software and technology are introduced to the game in innovative and new ways.
Register for Imagine Bowl now and submit your idea for a chance to win a trip to Super Bowl 50 and a shot at $50,000.