Microsoft weighs in on Dallas shooting tragedy via Twitter

Kareem Anderson

Microsoft Logo

As a publicly-owned company that employs a diverse assortment of people from disparate backgrounds, races, religions, and regional upbringings, Microsoft has often chosen to stay on the sidelines when it comes to culturally controversial issues. In the past, the company has rightfully decided to err on the side of caution and pragmatism to some when it comes to participating in cultural events, as it represents a for-profit company that operates across a multitude of countries across the world.

However, there are some events to which even the culture that makes up Microsoft feel compelled to speak up for, about, or against, and the tragic events of this week in the US are amongst that boiling point.

On July 8, 2016, Microsoft issued a statement via its Twitter handle committing the company to standing with the millions mourning the loss of life for individuals in the Baton Rouge, Falcon Heights, and Dallas areas subjected to violence.

Similar to Microsoft’s appearance at E3 2016 this year, the company once again is taking a moment to step arguably outside its corporate bubble and acknowledge the loss of life happening in the world it operates. Whether or not Microsoft, as a company, should have posted anything or taken a moment of silence during a gaming convention is a subjective argument based on personal preference.

For now, the company has chosen to stand with millions who have been affected by the shooting deaths in Baton Rouge, Falcon Heights, and Dallas this week.