Microsoft Teams Town Halls will replace Live Events

Devesh Beri

Microsoft has announced the retirement of Teams Live Events, which will be retired for commercial customers on September 30, 2024.

This date is not applied to everyone, as there are exceptions. For government customers, including GCC (Government Community Cloud), GCC High, and DoD (Department of Defense), the retirement date of Teams Live Events will be announced separately in the coming months.

Customers will have a 12-month transition period leading up to the retirement date. Teams Live Events will continue to be available and supported during this time.

After retirement, access to Teams Live Events will be discontinued. This means that customers can no longer schedule, start, or join any events using Teams Live Events.

Existing event recordings on Teams Live Events will remain accessible until December 31, 2024. If customers want to retain any recordings from prior events, they must download the recordings and upload them to a different location before this date.

With this announcement, Microsoft also announced the introduction of ‘Town Halls,’ which is said to replace Teams Live Events.

Town Halls in Microsoft Teams is a new virtual event experience designed for hosting large-scale, internal events within organizations that support up to 10,000 attendees (20,000 for Teams Premium).