Microsoft stock price breaks $90 per share, Dow hits 26,000

Kip Kniskern

This morning Microsoft’s US stock price broke $90 per share, marking another milestone in the company’s resurgent NASDAQ performance. The stock has been rising steadily since CEO Satya Nadella took over from Steve Ballmer, driven by a retrenching on core assets, cloud computing with Azure as it continues to push Amazon, and Office 365.

Nadella took over almost exactly four years ago, on February 4th, 2014, when the stock opened at $36.97. Today’s price sets the market cap at $691.23 billion, still third among the tech giants behind Apple at $914 billion and Google at $783 billion.

Meanwhile the Dow Jones Industrial Average continues to skyrocket, too, and this morning set a milestone of its own, opening at just over 26,000:

DJIA Jan 16

We’ll continue to watch Microsoft’s market performance as the company continues its push to capture the hearts, minds, and wallets of the public.