Microsoft is reportedly planning the next iteration of the Surface tablet. The company is expected to launch a 10.6-inch version of the Surface this October. The production of the components will begin next month (August), and volume production will begin in September, according to a source with Taiwan-based supply chain makers.
In May, Microsoft announced Surface Pro 3. It sports a 12-inch screen, and has been very well received by consumers as well as critics. The new Surface tablet– whose exact moniker is yet to be known — will be slimmer and lighter. No words on whether it will carry the same processing power.
Microsoft seems to have killed Surface Mini, the long rumored 7- to 8-inch tablet. The company perhaps didn’t find the right market demands for it. Microsoft is expecting better sales performance from the upcoming Surface tablet, the sources claims.
It will be interesting how the company markets it, as at 10.6-inch, most people may not find it as a laptop replacement device. Taiwan-based Pegatron is reportedly the only original device manufacturer for the said tablet. As of now, we advise you to take this information with a pinch of salt.