Microsoft releases new ad SDK with support for video interstitials and phone support

Kareem Anderson


Microsoft has announced today, the release of a new advertising SKD for Windows 10 that host a batch of new capabilities and should help increase ad revenue for app developers on the Windows platform. As Windows 10 continues to gain adoption, app developers in the Windows Store are hoping adoption numbers eventually turn into revenue numbers. With a new set of features, Microsoft’s recently released SDK could help quicken the transition for some devs. In the newly released SDK, devs will find:

Microsoft Universal Ad Client SDK for Windows 10:
Microsoft’s new Universal Ad Client will now support Windows and Windows Phone 8.1 apps, similar to AdDuplex’s Windows 10 SDK. We reported on AdDuplex’s Windows 10 Ad platform using mainly Windows Phone (8 & 8.1.) architecture due to the overwhelming phone support the company received in comparison to the Windows Store for PCs. The new Microsoft Universal Ad Client SDK will be using native code and will not require .NET runtimes. The new minimum refresh time has been reduced to 30 secs, down from the 60 secs needed before.
Support for video interstitials on Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 10, ideal for games:
Now devs can insert video interstitials through the Microsoft Universal Ad Client SDK. Unfortunately, this may result in more pop up videos before accessing app content for the average users. However, Microsoft claims “video ads are a highly popular way of monetizing apps and games, and can offer higher eCPM than banner ads.” The video ads will be supported in Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 using the new client using the new SDK.

Ad mediation for Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 apps, to manage multiple ad SDKs and increase fill rate:
Once again, the SDK is taking cues from Windows Phone by supporting ad mediation. Ad mediation support has been supported for Windows Phone apps for some time, allowing devs to manage numerous ad SDKs from multiple providers. Now Windows Store devs can add the ad mediation SDK to an app and submit it to the Store, and this will allow devs to manage multiple ad networks without modifying app code for certification. Ad mediation support for alternative solutions includes AdDuplex, Google AdMob, Inneractive, Smaato, InMobi, and Mob Fox.
Devs are also encouraged to voice their opinions and offer user-related feedback through the support page.