Microsoft prematurely releases Windows 10 Technical Preview updates for build 9860

Zac Bowden

Windows 10

Microsoft has released new updates for the Windows Technical Preview a little earlier than they may have wanted, as the updates require a build currently unavailable to the public. Updates KB3008956, KB3008968 and KB3008931 all require build 9860 to be installed. As of writing, Microsoft is yet to push any new Technical Preview build.

You can download all three updates right now, however that isn’t going to get you very far as the installer stops before the update even gets started. Still, this does raise the question regarding whether a new preview build will be released today. Many Microsoft watchers (including us) are on the hopes of a new build being released today alongside these three updates.

You can expect Microsoft to make an official announcement when a new Technical Preview build is released, and we’ll be covering all the changes here at WinBeta, so stick around for that. In the meantime, make sure you subscribe to our new WinBeta YouTube channel. We’ll be uploading all our screencasts there!