Microsoft plans to make the Outlook Mail app on Windows 10 just as good as the iOS and Android apps

Kit McDonald

recall an email in outlook

For a while now, we’ve noticed that Outlook Mail has had a bit more bias towards their Android/iOS versions when it came to building in new features. In fact, the Windows 10 UWP seemed to be left behind in many respects. But that won’t be the case forever, says reporters from Microsoft Ignite 2016.

Neowin attendees actually say they’ve gotten a chance to talk with Microsoft employees about the changes coming to Outlook Mail. According to their article, the team members admitted that Outlook Mail has discrepancies between the app for Windows 10 and mobile platforms due to being default or optional. However, the feature differences between the two will be closing in to mimic each other more closely as the applications move forward.

For example, Outlook Mail on Android and iOS currently have a Focused Inbox feature that shows important messages as a priority above any other messages. But as of the graph shown, the feature is looking to meet the Windows 10 UWP app before the end of the year. This is the same with other features that the cross-platform mobile apps have that the Windows 10 version does not.

It’s a nice thought that Outlook Mail’s future might start receiving updates across the board at the same time on all devices, but it remains to be seen. The team is hopeful that all of the features listed above will be on all version by the end of the year or, at the very least, early in 2017. Windows Insiders should keep a look out for it ‘soon’.