With the Nokia Support Discussions merged into the Microsoft Mobile Community, Microsoft has gathered feedback from their users on making the new forums even better. Based on feedback, it looks like a lot of change will be happening to the place.
- Completely new Community design: offering an improved user experience based on a “responsive website”. This means you’ll get exactly the same design, format and functionalities regardless the device you’re accessing from, be it a computer, a tablet or a mobile phone.
- A new way to navigate the Community: facilitating searches and publishing new content under pre-defined topics. The way topics and devices’ families are presented has been restructured to make it simpler to navigate.
- New badges to earn based on your activity: these include “most useful post of the week”, “fastest answer to a question” and many more to come.
Since Nokia and Microsoft are now integrated, Microsoft says that the next big step is to merge the Lumia and Windows Phone forums into one new Microsoft Mobile Devices Community, beginning on June 27th.
This makes it easier for Windows Phone users to not have to worry about which discussion to post to—they only need to post on one Windows phones forum. Microsoft says that the team behind the community will remain the same, helping users with their issues and answering questions.
Your username should remain the same or similar in the migration of the forums, but if someone has a similar name, yours may be changed slightly. Posts, ranks, and awards should also be migrated but may work a little differently with a redesigned rank system. Your avatar won’t be migrated, so it’s best you save your avatar so you can use it later.