Microsoft opens new Mixed Reality Capture studios in San Francisco and London

Laurent Giret

Microsoft announced today that it’s expanding its Mixed Reality Capture Studios globally with two new locations in San Francisco and London. The new studios will join Microsoft’s pre-existing Mixed Reality Capture Studio in Redmond, where the company captured “thousand of performances” from musicians, actors, dancers over the past seven years.

In San Francisco, the new studio will be located within the Microsoft Reactor in SoMa, which will also welcome a new Mixed Reality Academy that will offer a range of on-site courses and workshops. “We want to bring together the vibrant and unique perspective of our Bay Area developers,” explained Liz Hamren, CVP of Mixed Reality Marketing. Microsoft is also opening another Mixed Reality Capture Studio in London with its licensed partner Dimension Studios. “We expect to license studios in other major markets worldwide,” added Hamren.

Overall, the new studios will allow more creators to create innovative mixed reality experiences from real life. “These studios enable customers to create holograms that can be used for mixed reality experiences from 2D screens to fully immersive VR,” explained Harman. “Our goal is to make high-quality holographic captures accessible for mixed reality creators everywhere.”

“We are at the threshold of the next revolution in computing,” shared the exec, something that both Apple and Google acknowledged as well. But unlike its competitors, Microsoft’s approach to mixed reality is pretty much PC and VR-focused for now. However, Microsoft is working hard to build a healthy ecosystem of partners and creators that will create more content for its Windows Mixed Reality platform. “Our goal is to reach and support partners, creative agencies, studios, application developers, and others to help them create the most immersive mixed reality content possible,” explained Hamren.