A few days ago, we showed you all the Magic Mirror, a device that was brought to InnovFest Unbound 2016 in Singapore. The device is a “smart-mirror” that can recognize you using Windows Hello technology and customize a profile for you. While we had a description of the device available in our last article, this latest video shows off how the Magic Mirror works in-depth, and it’s honestly pretty mind blowing.
The Magic Mirror works as a mirror, of course, but also shows some information that may be relevant to you as you go about your morning routine. With the Magic Mirror you can take a glance at things like stock changes, weather, time, and the travel time you can expect on your morning commute – all while styling your hair and brushing your teeth. Frankly it’s the stuff of science fiction, and the sort of project that seems like an absolute blast to install if you have the time and resources.
The Magic Mirror is powered by a Hosted Web App on Raspberry Pi and is totally open source, so if you have the know-how and the patience, you can absolutely get one of these working in your own home, and even modify/add features as you so choose in order to make the Magic Mirror work for you. Through the modifications made in the video above, the Magic Mirror’s functionality supports “profiles” that are chosen through facial recognition, so if you live in a house with multiple people you can set up an account for everybody, and put a little bit of convenience into their mornings.
The open source nature of the project means that the sky’s the limit, and we’re more than a little excited to see where it can go from here. You can check out the GitHub page for Magic Mirror right here.
Thanks to Roger N. for the tip!