The Surface Pro, powered by Windows 8 Pro, was officially launched online at, as well as BestBuy and Staples, and within a few hours, the 128GB model of the Surface Pro was already sold out at Microsoft’s online store. Now, Microsoft has issued a statement regarding this crisis offering some good news.
“Customer response to the launch of Surface Pro has been amazing. We’re working with our retail partners who are currently out of stock of the 128GB Surface Pro to replenish supplies as quickly as possible. Our priority is to ensure that every customer gets their new Surface Pro as soon as possible,” Microsoft’s Panos Panay stated in an official Surface Blog post.
The 128GB Surface Pro, which does not come with a Touch or Type cover, runs for $999 and is already sold out at, as well as in BestBuy and Staples. Microsoft hopes to “replenish supplies” with these retail outlets soon. Sounds like Microsoft wasn’t expecting the Surface Pro to be a hit. Case in point: check out this image showcasing a long line for the Surface Pro outside a Microsoft Store at Seattle’s University Village (Image by Geekwire):