Literally be an Xbox by pre-ordering No Man’s Sky on Xbox One

Brad Stephenson

No Man's Sky on Xbox One

Gamers who pre-order the physical disk version of No Man’s Sky from the U.K. games retailer, GAME, will be rewarded with an exclusive in-game item that will essentially allow them to become a walking, talking Xbox.

The item itself, shown in the above image, is called the X.O Suit and is basically just an outfit for players to dress their avatar up in. With online multiplayer coming to No Man’s Sky on Xbox One in an update later this month, the X.O Suit does hold a certain appeal as it will allow players to stand out from others. Given that there will be no online crossplay between Xbox One and PlayStation 4 console owners though, it’s likely that only other Xbox fans will be able to see this in action.

Bizarrely, this item does appear to be exclusive to the U.K. for the moment. We’ll update date you on if it ever becomes available in other regions whenever that’s confirmed.

Would you pre-order the physical version of No Man’s Sky for this item? Share your thoughts with the community in the comments below and then follow us on Pinterest for more Xbox content.