LinkedIn offers Events planning, more in latest update

Jonny Caldwell

LinkedIn mobile app could soon get dark mode support

LinkedIn is bringing several new capabilities for users to further help them connect to others and to show off their skills.

First off, the company has recently introduced LinkedIn Events, a new feature to allow users to organize professional events with others. Organizers will now be able to create smaller private events for those they already work with, or larger public events to meet new people.

LinkedIn is also making it easier to save posts that might want to be referenced back to later. Users can now save documents, info graphs, videos, and other content to be quickly accessed later. Interestingly, OneDrive also got a similar capability for businesses.

Users on LinkedIn are also getting new features to interact with others. The company has made it easier to recognize colleagues by allowing users to post team moments on their homepages. Additionally, users can now add new team members to group chats by simply @ mentioning them.

Group messaging

LinkedIn is also bringing new options for user bios. Freelancers will now be able to list the various services they offer straight onto their bios to help increase their discoverability. On the flip side, the company is also making it easier for those looking for services by letting them to create a templated post to allow others to share recommendations.

Find an expert

Additionally, users will now be able to validate their skills and add a “verified skill” badge to their profiles. As announced in September, job seekers can take skill assessments to help provide further attract potential employers looking to expand their teams.

What do you think of these new features? What other features would help you better connect with other professionals? Be sure to leave a comment below.