With the launch of the Khan Academy app in late 2014, the Xbox One began to truly evolve into more than a simple video game console. With the Khan Academy app, Xbox One owners gained the ability to study a variety of subjects offered by the online service in the comfort of their living room with just a controller in hand.
The Xbox One becomes even more educational today with the launch of Rosetta Stone’s Discover Languages app which teaches gamers either English or Spanish vocabulary and grammar through a variety of immersive simulations and games.
Rosetta Stone’s Discover Languages app also includes study recommendations, cultural tips and phrase books in addition to Xbox Achievements (though, with no Gamerscore due to it technically being an Xbox One app and not a game).
No news if any other languages such as Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, or French are coming to the app though hopefully if it’s popular, it’ll grow to become a real language learning powerhouse.