IDC: Windows tablets market share expected to grow by 7 percent in 2015

Hammad Saleem

IDC: Windows tablets market share expected to grow by 7 percent in 2015

The market research firm International Data Corporation (IDC) have released their forecasted figures for the performance of tablets in 2015 as well as its five-year forecast. IDC reports that worldwide tablet shipments are expected to reach 234.5 million by the end of 2015. Android tablets continues to lead the market, and they will by the end of the year 2015 as well with a market share of over 65 percent. As for Apple’s iPad, the firm expects the shipments to drop to 60.1 million by 2015, but they will still be the second most popular OS when it comes to tablets. 

As for Windows, it may not have a significant market share compared to its competitors, but it’s expected to gain the most, based on the firms research — rising from 5.1 percent in 2014 to 14.1 percent by the end of 2019. As for 2015, the market share is expected to jump to 7 percent with shipments amounting to 16.3 million.

IDC: Windows tablets market share expected to grow by 7 percent in 2015

Obviously, the real world statistics may vary, but considering the number of Windows tablets being launched, including some cheap ones, there’s a possibility that we may get to see Windows show positive growth. Things are also expected to take pace when Microsoft releases the Windows 10, which will bring a unified experience when it comes to different Microsoft services.

“Microsoft is doing a lot of good things right now and we believe the launch of Windows 10 later this year will not only have a significant impact on Microsoft’s share of the market, but on the industry as a whole,” said Jean Philippe Bouchard, Research Director, Tablets. “There is an appetite for a platform that can provide a productivity experience that remains consistent across multiple form factors and device types, and we believe Microsoft is well positioned to capture some of that demand.”

Microsoft has already released the Windows 10 Technical Preview for users to test out the new operating system, not just for the desktop, but for phones as well.