HP Elite X3 wants to be your new Windows 10 Mobile phone and laptop


hp elite x3 leak tech2

Update: This device is now official, read more here. 

Two days ago, images and specs of the HP Elite X3 leaked onto the internet, showcasing HP’s re-entry into the smartphone business with a Windows 10 Mobile handset. The device packs a massive 6-inch display with a resolution of 2560×1440 and has a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 eight-core processor with 4GB of memory. There is also a fingerprint reader, iris recognition, USB-C port, and an 8MP front-facing camera.

But that’s not the best part about this gorgeous Windows 10 Mobile device. The HP Elite X3 features the ability to connect to a “Mobile Extender” which is a battery-powered mobile dock that is essentially a 12.5-inch laptop that is dependent on the X3 for power. You can pair the phone to the laptop via WiFi or USB-C connectivity, with an experience achieved with Continuum.

HP Elite X3 docked
HP Elite X3 docked

HP Elite X3 laptop mode

The report has since been pulled, likely due to a premature announcement by ITPRO, but you can read a cached version of it here.

“The Continuum experience, which we’ve found to be somewhat restrictive as it’s limited to running a single app at any one time, will need fine-tuning to run smoothly on the X3. Despite the octa-core Snapdragon 820, the general smoothness and responsiveness of the Windows 10 Mobile interface was laggy and sluggish – whether on the phone’s touchscreen or when controlled using a keyboard and mouse on an external monitor,”

The HP Elite X3 comes with Salesforce apps pre-installed, but these apps do not support Continuum just yet. No pricing details have been mentioned by HP, but we’ll keep you posted once the official announcement is made.