Here’s the privacy page Microsoft just added to the latest Windows 10 Mobile Insider build

Kip Kniskern

Microsoft dropped a new Windows 10 Mobile Insider build this morning, with only one new feature: a new privacy settings page that appears when you first boot to the upgraded OS.

Once the build is updated (or in effect, once a phone is started for the first time), this privacy dialog box appears, forcing users to agree to the privacy settings, or to change them before continuing:

Windows 10 Mobile privacy

The settings themselves aren’t new, all of them are available from Settings>Privacy, but the new user experience puts them front and center in an OOBE (out of box experience), and forces an “Accept” before using the phone.

There is a bit more, including a “learn more” link if you scroll down, but this one page is what most users will see, including the Accept button.

The new privacy experience is so far only available for Windows 10 Mobile Fast Ring Insiders running build 15207. As usual, be sure to submit any bugs you find, or feedback you want to offer, using the Feedback Hub on the phone.