One in three Americans have tried generative AI tools, new survey shows

Priya Walia

Artificial Intelligence

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The Verge published its latest Trust Survey report titled “Hope, Fear, and AI,” which provides insights into consumer attitudes toward artificial intelligence. The survey has delved into the rapid rise and popularity of generative AI tools and aims to help individuals understand the use and perception of AI. The survey, conducted in April 2023, consisted of over 2,000 participants in the United States.

The research aims to shed light on several topics, including the prevalence of AI tool utilization, the driving forces behind AI tool adoption, how AI is perceived to disrupt workplaces, and the societal changes individuals wish to observe concerning AI in the future.

According to the findings of the study, a significant percentage of the American population has already used generative artificial intelligence tools. In fact, the study reveals that one in three Americans aged 18 and above have employed such tools. The prevalence of AI in discussions is increasingly noticeable, with 44% of survey respondents stating that they have participated in conversations where AI has been mentioned multiple times a week.

Interestingly, Gen Z talks about AI more often than any other group, with a staggering 61% of Gen Zers reporting it as a topic of conversation. Notably, consumers have expressed the desire for clear and explicit disclosure of AI usage in digital material, with 78% in agreement. An impressive 47% believe that AI will disrupt their work sector to varying degrees. Most conspicuously, 69% of the respondents concurred that significant changes would be necessary for society to adjust to a post-AI world.

As per the report, despite the existence of numerous insurgents within the AI industry, the major tech players continue to have a significant influence over the discourse. Nonetheless, OpenAI, a newly established startup, has emerged as a leader in this field. Currently, it occupies the top position, followed by Bing Chat in second place, while Google Bard ranks fourth.

The survey also reveals people are using AI tools for creative experiments such as generating music, videos, and stories and tinkering with photos. However, professional applications like coding were less common. People have also been using AI systems to answer questions, which suggests that chatbots like ChatGPT, Bing, and Bard may replace search engines. The poll found that AI is expanding what people can create, with artwork being the most popular category within creative fields. More than three-quarters of respondents agreed that AI tools need to be controlled.

More than half of the respondents believe that people will develop emotional relationships with AI in the future, and over a third of them admitted they would be open to doing so if they were lonely. Almost 38 percent worry that AI poses a threat to human civilization. When asked about the effect of AI on society, most people predicted negative outcomes, including job losses, privacy threats, and government/corporate misuse.

Via Verge