Windows 10 Mobile powered Lumia 950 has received another price cut in the UK, dropping to £369.99 at Expansys, which also includes a free case for the handset (via Neowin). Additionally, the retailer has added a note to the black Lumia 950, saying the handset has been discontinued — the white version is still available in stock. It doesn’t mean the handset has reached its end-of-life, but the retailer has stopped selling the handset, possibly due to low sales — which could be one of the reasons why it reduced the price to an all-time low in the UK.
It’s not just the Lumia 950 (black), the same message is posted on the white color Lumia 950 XL as well. However, the retailer expects to get the stock for the black Lumia 950 XL in the next few days.
It doesn’t come as a surprise that the price of the handset has dropped, and now discontinued at the retailer. Microsoft continues to face the problem of promoting their handset in the competitive smartphone market dominated by Android and iOS, despite the fact that its flagship devices offer a very decent set of specifications and features.