Editing Office Mobile docs through Continuum will require an Office subscription in 2016

Kareem Anderson

Office Touch

Similar to the Office Mobile suite for Android and iOS, Windows 10 Mobile users will now need to pay for editing features when using Word, Excel and Powerpoint with Continuum. Starting on April 1, 2016, Windows 10 Mobile users will be required to hold a subscription to Office 365 to edit Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents if they plan to use the tools via Continuum from their smartphones.
On its Office 365 blog, Microsoft makes particular reference to the deadline for Office on Mobile and the beginning of a paid tier of Office use with Continuum.

Editing in Word, Excel and PowerPoint with Continuum for phones will require an Office 365 subscription, but is available to try without Office 365 through March 31, 2016.”

The move may seem like a bit of a head scratcher to long lime Windows Mobile office users, but Microsoft’s decision reflects a market reality. Office on a 7 to 5-inch device is a reference service empowering users to view attachments, make quick edits and forward fully compatible document file types. Office on a device of 8 inches tends to become a new world of productivity with the added screen real estate.
Currently, the state of Office Mobile currently leaves something to be desired for a lot of users, with its scaled down feature set and lack of power-user settings. Perhaps, Microsoft has some updates coming down the pipeline that may warrant the price adjustment for the new apps in the future.
While I am of the mind that the dwindling Windows 10 Mobile user population can use any bone thrown their way, Office on a big screen through Continuum seems to be a business move preempting what Microsoft views as the future of computing.