Disqus for Windows Phone gets transparent Live tile and bug fixes in latest update


Disqus for Windows Phone gets transparent Live tile and bug fixes in latest update

Disqus, for those that did not know, is the comment system we utilize. It is more than just a comment system for a site as it allows one to build a community. If you are actively engaged in our comment section and own a Windows Phone device, snag the latest version of the Disqus app to enhance your commenting experience.

“A mobile gateway to thousands of live discussions across the Disqus community of communities. Find, follow and discuss the stuff worth talking about, no matter what stuff you’re into,” the app description reads. The Disqus app allows you to keep tabs on all the Disqus communities you frequent — including WinBeta.

The app allows you to stay current with your favorite discussions by receiving timely notifications any time a user replies to you. You can follow friends and even news writers to keep tabs on their activity throughout the internets. You can explore active communities and find new places to interact. Best of all, you can write comments, reply to comments, star your favorite discussions, vote on comments, and much more — all within the Windows Phone app.

I personally use this app to moderate comments on WinBeta. The app also features a Live tile so you can see notifications and new activity right on your home screen.

In the latest update, which bumps the version number to, the app now supports transparent Live tile and fixes a few unnamed bugs.

Hit the download link below to snag the official app for free. Try the app and post a comment below!