Device Hub updated on Windows 10 Mobile, now Gadgets app

Mark Coppock

Windows 10 Mobile Gadgets App Featured

The Windows 10 Mobile Device Hub, which allows connecting to and controlling accessories connected to a Windows 10 Mobile device, has been updated to version The most obvious change to the app is its transformation into the Gadgets app, and that’s now where you’ll find it in your list of apps.
The Gadgets app allows you to connect and disconnect from external devices, monitor battery life on supported devices, and perform other actions like locating a device.

The Windows 10 Mobile Gadgets app setup and gadgets list screens.

The Gadgets app lets you monitor and locate your gadgets.

The interface has undergone some changes in its transition from the Device Hub:
Gadgets App v Device Hub Device List
Device Hub vs. Gadgets app device list.

Gadgets App v Device Hub Device Overview
Device Hub vs. Gadgets app device overview.

The Gadgets app is now more in line with Windows 10 Mobile’s overall look and feel, which is always a good thing. And, you’ll need to remember where to look the next time you need to manage a connect device–sorry, we meant gadget. So, go ahead and hit update on your Windows 10 Mobile device to get the new Gadgets app.