Windows Central has been tipped that Cortana’s weather view is getting a bit more colorful. Specifically, rain is blue, lightning is now yellow, and so is the sun. That’s right, folks, it’s the just like the real sun, except you can stare at this one as long as you like!
In fact, Cortana isn’t the only place you can see this updated look. The Windows 10 Weather app shares the icon set, although it differs in how the color is presented. And the weather widget available in Bing (just type “weather” into the search field) is identical to what you’ll see in the new and improved Cortana.
This is just another example of Microsoft bringing all of its products into alignment, giving consumers the polish and uniformity they expect. It’s also interesting that, as Microsoft moves away from its polarizing Metro design ideals, we begin to see the industry as a whole settling on a similar look and feel.
What do you think of the new look?