Earlier this year, Microsoft added a number of new hardware partners who will release Windows Phone devices. Recently, Microsoft took the stage at Computex 2014 taking place in Taiwan, and showcased a number of Windows Phone handsets from other manufacturers, including Blue, Prestigio, and Yezz.
The new handsets were revealed during the big event by Microsoft’s Corporate VP of OEM division, Nick Parker. He didn’t give out much details about what the handsets will offer, but showed a glimpse of how they will look like.
Starting with the US-based OEM Blu. Microsoft said the company is working on two new handsets, including a 5-inch Windows Phone handset as pictured above. There’s no word about what it will offer on the hardware end, but it will come with Windows Phone 8.1 as its operating system out of the box. Another interesting thing to note here is that it comes with capacitive buttons rather than the on-screen ones. Both devices are expected to launch in the US and Latin America in the coming months, in an array of bold colors.
Next up is Prestigio, who is also working on a Windows Phone handset dubbed as MultiPhone 8500 DUO. There are no details available about the handset, but we can expect it to boast at least a 720p resolution, with a quad-core processor. The device is said to launch in Europe next month.
Last but not the least, Nick Parker also showed Yezz Billy 4.7, which is named after Bill Gates. The device will come with a 4.7-inch display sporting a 720p resolution, and will come with an affordable price tag. Yezz Billy 4.7 is extremely thin, and will come with dual-SIM capabilities, 13MP camera, HSPA+ support, and will come with Windows Phone 8.1 as its operating system. The handset will launch in the US, Europe and Latin America later this month with a $249/€229 price tag.
It’s always great to see more OEMs joining the Windows Phone bandwagon. At least, we will not get more options other than Nokia. Apart from these OEMs, HTC and Samsung is also rumored to be working on WP8.1 devices, expected to launch this year.