Build 2023: AI Assist now in preview for Microsoft Q&A

Kevin Okemwa

a group of students using laptops in the lab Microsoft Q&A

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Today, during Microsoft’s annual conference for developers, Build 2023, the company unveiled AI Assist for Microsoft Q&A in preview. This doesn’t come as a surprise, ever since the year began, the company has been busy at work injecting AI capabilities across its products and services.

For those not familiar with Microsoft Q&A, it’s a platform where users can have access to fast, accurate answers to questions about Microsoft technologies. And while the platform is quite effective and efficient, Microsoft is now incorporating an AI Assist to further enhance its functionality.

Microsoft has further indicated that the nifty feature will leverage Ai capabilities to expedite the process, thus providing users with responses to their queries faster.

According to Microsoft:

Embedding AI into Microsoft Q&A can help the community learn more efficiently from different perspectives, by pulling from the extensive resources and training available with Microsoft Learn.

Here are some of the new AI-powered features shipping to Microsoft Q&A in preview:

First up, users will have access to AI-powered suggestions that will help them structure their questions properly. As such, it will be easier for them to get accurate and detailed responses in a timely manner. All you need to do is type in your question in the text field and ask for help, the AI-powered suggestion feature will then make enhancements to it by making sure that you’re using the right words and incorporating relevant information that will help you get responses quicker.

Next up, Microsoft is making it easier for users to find existing answers to similar questions. Therefore, users will no longer have to wait for unique responses to similar questions. The new features will help them sieve through responses provided to other users in the past, thus giving users access to complete answers featured on Microsoft Q&A instantly.

Additionally, users can leverage the new capabilities to access AI-generated answers. With this feature in place, Microsoft Q&A gets to leverage the AI capabilities to sources for answers from multiple Microsoft Learn sources. And while AI can get the job done, experts will still be available to provide responses to questions that are more technical.

And just like Bing Chat, Microsoft has indicated that the tool will provide users with citations linking back to the original source for reference whenever the user generates answers in the platform using AI.

With all these new capabilities making their way to Microsoft Q&A, users will now be able to get faster and more accurate responses to their queries. What’s more, they’ll also be able to generate instantly via the tool and compare both answers side-by-side for more insight.

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