Bird & Bird Soars in the Cloud with Mimecast Email Management


International commercial law firm selects Mimecast for Software-as-a-Service email archiving and security

12 October 2010 – London: Mimecast®, a leading supplier of cloud-based email [url=]security[/url], [url=]continuity[/url], policy control and [url=]archiving[/url], has today announced that it has been selected by Bird & Bird, an international commercial law firm, to provide fully inclusive SaaS-based email services to its 1,400 employees, across 22 countries.

Following a period involving continuous expansion and a series of mergers, not only were Bird & Bird’s email storage requirements increasing sharply, but its distribution lists were being targeted by cyber criminals. Furthermore, a high volume of spam was causing complaint among partners. Bird & Bird selected Mimecast to provide enhanced security services, business continuity and email archiving to counteract the spam issues the company was experiencing and to provide fully comprehensive disaster recovery. The service has already been deployed across all of Bird & Bird’s offices worldwide, with users reporting a significant improvement in the system’s ability to block and manage spam email.

“Email is probably our most important business application so to have it securely managed is critical for us,” explained Karen Jacks, IT Director at Bird & Bird. “After being disappointed with our last service provider we were cautious about rushing into any new contracts. However, we have seen Mimecast working with a number of companies in the legal industry and a number of fellow IT directors gave them very favourable reviews. It soon became an obvious choice for us as a business.”

Jon Spencer, Head of Infrastructure at Bird & Bird, added, “Prior to signing with Mimecast our senior partners were receiving a huge volume of unsolicited emails, which significantly raised the profile of the poor service we were getting and it was a huge driver toward the switch. We found our previous service provider non-responsive, inflexible and impersonal and they completely failed to solve the security issues we faced. I’ve been in IT long enough not to expect an issue-free migration but I was very pleased with the service Mimecast provided. The spam problem has now been addressed and with Mimecast also providing continuity and disaster recovery as standard, the service really is adding a lot of value across the board.”

“We are seeing increasing numbers of law firms transferring data into the cloud,” commented Peter Bauer, CEO and Co-founder of Mimecast. “Research has shown that around 85% of intellectual property is stored in employees email inboxes, which is a huge security concern for business managers. Our unified email management service ensures the absolute integrity of email receipt, delivery, policy enforcement, tracking and retention.”