Bing introduced its Rewards program in the early days of the search engine, letting users earn points in exchange for showing the Google rival some love. Now the company wants to carry that concept a bit further, letting customers use those points in an effort to further education.
Bing has rolled out a program that allows you to donate points to the school of your choice. Those points can later be used by the institution to grab Surface tablets for students.To kick the program off, Bing is offering a free 50 points just for signing up.
You can tap the link below to visit the sign-up page and use either your Microsoft or Facebook account to get started. This latest program goes in conjunction with Bing for Schools, which now offers an ad-free experience to students. Microsoft does not state how many points are needed to earn a Surface, but you’ll have to sign up by June 22nd in order to grab the free 50 point bonus.