Bing Chat on Windows now offers voice and image searches

Priya Walia

Bing Chat

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Microsoft Bing has introduced several enhancements to its Bing Chat platform this month. These updates include an increase in chat turns, additional visual elements, and an expansion of the Bing Image Creator and voice chat capabilities.

The technology giant has recently introduced a new feature called ‘voice chat’ in its AI-driven Bing Chat for desktop users. The function enables users to communicate with the AI chatbot by tapping on the microphone symbol in the Chatbox. The voice chat feature currently accommodates five languages, including English, Japanese, French, German, and Mandarin, with the company planning to roll out support for additional languages in the near future.

Aside from that, the company recently launched Bing Image Creator on the new Bing and Edge preview last March, allowing users to create an image by describing it through words. Initially, this feature was available only in Creative mode. However, with the latest update, Bing Image Creator has been updated to include Precise and Balanced modes.

Also, Bing Chat now provides visual results for travel-related queries to facilitate a better understanding of Bing Travel’s answers.

Travel queries now generate more visual results. Ask Bing Chat “What are the best places to see cherry blossoms in Japan?” or “What are some good summer vacation destinations in India?” Bing Chat will answer your questions with links for more information in Bing Travel, Microsoft said in a blog post.

Additionally, Bing Chat has enhanced its features by offering an increased chat turn limit of 30 per conversation, previously set at a maximum of 20 turns per conversation. Furthermore, users can make use of a daily chat turn limit of 300. Bing has clarified that this upgrade also extends to conversations in the chat history, allowing users to resume discussions without the previous turn limit affecting their count, resulting in a seamless chat experience.

Via Voicebot