Bing Chat introduces another major update aimed at enhancing disengagement rates

Priya Walia

The new Bing

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OpenAI’s ChatGPT has garnered considerable attention following its launch; however, Microsoft’s Bing Chat, employing the same AI technology, boasts several advantages in terms of sophistication. Nonetheless, users have expressed dissatisfaction with the chatbot’s tardy response time and occasional inability to generate requested content.

Recently, the chatbot has undergone a significant update in this area as the company tried addressing the problem by introducing the Bing Chat v98 update in their previous release.

The prominent technology company appears to be taking another leap forward as Mikhail Parakhin, the head of Advertising and Web Services at Microsoft, took to Twitter yesterday to announce that the Bing Chat team has delivered yet another improvement in the disengagement rate, which would significantly reduce the most severe category by over three times.

The phenomenon of chatbot disengagement refers to situations where the chatbot incorrectly ceases engagement and assumes that a conversation or task has ended, despite it still being ongoing. In instances where Bing Chat, for example, believes a conversation is concluded, it will cease engagement with the user, even if the user attempts to initiate further discussion. The issue of disengagement is commonly observed amongst users of Bing Chat.

“Shipped another improvement in disengagement rate today for Bing Chat – reducing the most egregious category by more than 3x. More to come soon,” Mikhail Parakhin wrote on Twitter.

In other instances, for site proprietors, content producers, and marketers, understanding the extent of their traffic and visibility through Bing Chat has, so far, been a challenging task. However, this is about to change, as per Fabrice Canel, the representative from Microsoft, who has announced that they will soon be providing referrer data and displaying clicks and impressions. “We will start reporting clicks and impressions in Bing Chat in the following weeks,” Fabrice asserted on Twitter.

Via Seround Table