Bill Gates takes it to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon to promote his website, creates ‘viral video’


Bill Gates takes it to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon to promote his website, creates 'viral video'

We all know who Bill Gates is. After all, who will forget the man who co-founded Microsoft? Jimmy Fallon, on the other hand, is a popular late night comedian who hosts the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon show on NBC. Bill Gates recently made an appearance on the show to promote his new website – – and we all got a chance to witness Bill Gates’ funny side.

Gates recently wrote an entry titled ‘2014 Gates Annual Letter’ on the official Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation website, where he spoke about the three myths of poverty, asserting that “the world is better than it has ever been.” Those of us who follow tech news sites and Twitter feeds were well aware of the letter. But how can Gates get the rest of the world to read it? Promote it on a late night TV show!

The video description states it well. “Bill Gates wants to promote his website,, with a viral video, but Jimmy doesn’t think they have time to make one.” We’ve embedded the video below for your viewing pleasure. Does it make you want to visit