Bill Gates is know for his charitable giving. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation have made huge progress in eradicating deadly diseases. Recently though, Bill has donated $1 million to the Initiative 594 campaign. This campaign calls for background checks on all gun purchases in the state of Washington.
In addition to Bill and Melinda Gates, there were many other prominent members of the state such as Nick and Leslie Hanauer, Steve and Connie Ballmer, and Paul Allen have all supported this initiative. Last month Paul Allen gave $500,000 in support.
The manager of the campaign, Zach Silk, said: “Nearly 350,000 people came together to put Initiative 594 on the ballot, and almost 7,500 supporters from nearly every county in the state have contributed to help ensure its passage in November.” From their website, Initiative 594 makes sure anyone buying a gun in Washington State passes the same background check, no matter where they buy the gun and no matter whom they buy it from.
Do you think this is money well spent? Do you agree with Bill Gates and want background checks for gun purchases? Let us know in in the comments below!