AT&T simplifies its Next payment plans for new smartphones

Arif Bacchus


When you’re looking to purchase a new Microsoft smartphone, you might not always have enough money to pay off your new device right away. Thankfully, most cellular carriers offer smartphone purchase programs which allow you to pay off the price of a new device over time. Today, the folks over at AT&T have announced that they have simplified their version of these plans, now providing new or existing customers with simpler and more flexible ways to upgrade and pay for a new smartphone.

AT&T’s new plans will now be giving you the power to decide between lower monthly payments or the ability to upgrade to the latest smartphone sooner. The new plans take effect on June 9th, and will simplify the experience from 4 installment options to the following:

  • AT&T Next Every Year: Upgrade to a new device every year, with a 24-month financing program term.
  • AT&T Next: Upgrade every 2 years, with a 30-month financing program term.

The simplified next payment plans

As seen above, the primary benefit of the AT&T Next Every Year program includes a new device every year. Other benefits also include upgrade eligibility once 12 monthly payments or 50% of the device costs have been reached, and the ability to pay off the phone in 24 months.

On the other hand, the benefits of AT&T Next include the primary benefit of lower monthly device payments and a new device every two years. Here, other benefits include upgrade eligibility once 24 monthly payments or 80% of retail device cost of the device have paid off, and the ability to pay off the phone in 30 months.

The new options mean that consumers and businesses can reduce their monthly payments, and customers who own their own device can trade in and apply the value towards the new device. It also means that customers can put money down at the time of purchase to apply towards the new device cost.