Apple’s M1-based Macs are now outselling Intel models

Laurent Giret

Apple M1 Based Imac

Apple announced several new products during its Spring event yesterday, including an all-new iMac powered by the company’s new M1 chip previously seen in the MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, and Mac Mini lines. Apple announced last year that it was planning to transition its whole Mac line from Intel chips to Apple Silicon over the next two years, and the process already seems to be off to a great start.

During Apple’s digital event yesterday, CEO Tim Cook revealed that M1-based Macs are now outselling older Macs still using Intel processors (via MacRumors). “Our Mac Business has never been stronger. Our M1 products have continued to fuel the Mac’s incredible growth and now represent the majority of our Mac sales,” Cook said.

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In its financial results for Q1 2021, Apple revealed that Mac sales were up 21 percent year over year. Even though the Cupertino giant is no longer sharing details about hardware sales, the company has shipped an estimated 6.7 million Macs in Q1 2021 according to IDC, a number that’s up 115.5% year-over-year.

The PC industry has definitely seen a resurgence since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the rise of remote work driving PC sales despite component shortages and logistics issues. This is the moment Apple chose to launch its new M1-based iMac, which will be available in the second half of May.

“With a giant leap in performance per watt, every Mac with M1 is transformed into a completely different class of product. This isn’t just an upgrade, it’s a breakthrough,” Apple CEO Tim Cook emphasized yesterday. Even though Apple sells far fewer PCs than Lenovo, HP, or Dell, the company was the 4th biggest PC maker in Q1 2021 according to IDC, and it also had the biggest year-over-growth compared to its competitors.