New rumours are suggesting that Apple are planning to release the next generation iPhone on October 14th. With the conference on October 4th, could this be ideal for Apple?
The rumour comes from Boy Genius Report, who claims that the next generation iPhone will be released on October 14th, ten days after it’s announcement.
Boy Genius Report says:
Apple will launch its next-generation iPhone 5 in five initial markets on October 14th according to a new report from Macotakara. The site, which has a mixed track record, reports that Apple will release the new device in the United States, the U.K., Germany, Japan and France on that date, with launches in additional markets to follow. The date aligns closely with earlier comments from France Telecom CEO Stéphane Richard, who said the iPhone 5 would launch from Orange on October 15th, a Saturday.
Usually, Apple would announce the new iPhone and then release a couple of weeks later, which is what is looks like to be going on here. Will Apple be following their traditional path in releasing a new iPhone?
The conference will be held by Tim Cook, Apple’s new CEO on October 4th 2011.