Google’s Android operating system is dominating in the market share as a new report indicated that Android is destroying everyone, including RIM and Apple’s iPhone.
As Business Insider reports, a global leader in digital marketing intelligence (Comscore) indicated that Google’s Android operating system has gained an astonishing 7 points of market share in the US smartphone market in just three months. RIM’s market share dropped 5% while Apple’s share hardly even moved. These stats are from the last three months.
Unfortunately for Microsoft, their Windows Phone 7 market share dropped from 9% to 7.7%. This is not good news for Microsoft as they have been working hard to increase their share. Palm, on the other hand, continued its downward spiral to the never land, as it dropped to 2.8%.
So what does this mean? Seems like Android is destroying everything in its path. With the debut of the Apple iPhone 5 this June, we will see if Apple has a chance to trump Android’s market share.