Some harsh words by an analyst who claims that Microsoft’s upcoming Windows Blue update for Windows 8 wont really turn things around for Microsoft. Should Microsoft be more concerned about improving the quality of apps in its Windows Store?
“Windows 8 sucks because Windows 8 apps suck. And there’s nothing in all these rumors of Windows Blue or Windows 8.1 that tells me that apps will be easier to write or that will result in better apps,” Michael Cherry stated. He’s an analyst with Directions on Microsoft.
Is he right? According to Cherry, Microsoft should focus its efforts on improving apps rather than focusing on releasing Windows 8 on new hardware and form factors. “Everyone’s obsessed with the look of the thing. What do I care about a Start button in Windows 8 if I spend all my time on the desktop? It’s the lack of good applications [that’s hurting Windows]. And from what I can tell, developers aren’t going to get anything from Blue. I don’t see anything about apps getting better,” Cherry added.
Cherry mentions the Mail, Calendar, People and Messaging apps for Windows 8 and Windows RT. “If that’s the best Microsoft can do, if that’s what they come up with, with their resources, it’s no surprise that there’s not a [third-party] app worth a darn,” Cherry adds.
Cherry recommends that Microsoft get with app developers and offer all the assistance and documentation they need to create apps that are so full features, that “they inspire you to write great apps.” Is Cherry right? Should Microsoft be more concerned about app quality?