Amazon may have its own range of ereaders, but there are also ebook apps available for plenty of other platforms, including Windows Phone. The Kindle app for Windows Phone has just been updated to version and, despite the smaller version number increase, there are a couple of great new features to check out — a new live tile and a fast resume feature.
The changelog is not particularly lengthy, but here’s the rundown of what’s new:
- Fast app resume
- Live tile with book progress
- New wide tile image
- Fixed: books loading blank pages
- Fixed: Kindle Store links
From this list, it is definitely fast app resume and the new live tile that are most interesting. Fast resume does very much what you would expect it to do — step out of the app to do something else, and when you want to return to your book to pick up with your reading, you’ll find that you’re able to do so faster than before.
The new, wider live tile is also a handy new addition. As well as displaying the name, author and cover of the book you are reading at the moment, you’ll also see an indication of how far through the book you are.
If you’re yet to try out the Kindle app, you can grab yourself a copy for free from the Windows Phones Store using the link below. If you already have the app installed, make sure you install the update so you can take advantage of the newest features.