All 3 Ghostbuster films discounted on Windows 10 and Xbox One

Kareem Anderson

Seemingly indifferent to the visceral online reaction and fan base dividing controversy surrounding to the most recent installment to the Ghostbusters mythos, Microsoft has seen fit to bundle Ghostbusters: Answer the Call as a trilogy bargain.

For folks looking to pass the time with family and friends this winter break by watching the series of ghost chasing shenanigans of Zeddmore, Venkman, Stantz, Spengler, Tolan, Holtzmann, Yates and Gilbert, they can now do so for the low price of $29.99.

Visiting the Windows Store, users can snag all three Ghostbusters movies in HD for $28.99  and for those a bit more frugal, standard definition copies can be had for $26.99.

Individually, the movies are listed at roughly $15 a piece, so the $28.99 price comes in at an impressive discount for the both the avid and less discerning Ghostbusters fan.