Age of Empires: Castle Siege adds new festive items to reward players

Brad Stephenson

Age of Empires: Castle Siege on Windows 10

Age of Empires: Castle Siege has activated a special holiday surprise for users in both the Windows 10 and Windows Phone versions of the game. The gift, which doesn’t require an app update, places a special item called, Holiday Fair, onto the map. The Holiday Fair looks like the typical medieval fair complete with performers and food stalls but more importantly its presence on the map boosts all of the economy in-game for a limited amount of time. It’s unclear how long the boost will last for but gamers have around 20 days to activate it by opening up their game on the device of their choice.

Age of Empires: Castle Siege
Age of Empires: Castle Siege

Another holiday-themed item has also been added to the game but this one will need to be physically added from the Honor section in the in-game store. The item, Festive Tree, contains not special abilities and is simply a decorative piece but Castle Siege does need more of these sort of items to pretty up players’ kingdoms so it comes as a welcome addition.
Are you still playing Age of Empires: Castle Siege? What level are you at? Let us know in the comments below.