After overwhelming feedback, Microsoft backs off from deprecating Outlook plugin for Dynamics 365

Laurent Giret

Back in June, Microsoft announced its decision to deprecate the Dynamics 365 add-in for Outlook, which the company planned to remove in Dynamics 365 version 10.0. At the time, the Redmond giant said that COM add-ins, which Dynamics 365 for Outlook is based on, are technically inferior to new “Office add-ins” (including the new Dynamics 365 App for Outlook) which can also run on Outlook Web App, Outlook for Mac, and Outlook for mobile.

Following “overwhelming feedback” from customers though, Microsoft has acknowledged that the legacy Dynamics 365 add-in for Outlook still has its merits. “We understand that some feature gaps in Dynamics 365 App for Outlook prevent it from being a viable replacement for the Outlook add-in. As a result, we are reversing the deprecation of Dynamics 365 for Outlook,” the company said in a blog post today.

The reversal of the deprecation of the Outlook add-in means that it will still be supported and released with new versions of Dynamics 365 going forward. “From a functionality standpoint, all current scenarios will continue to be supported; we are not planning to add any new features,” the company added. This is good news for customers, but Microsoft will continue to recommend its new Dynamics 365 App for Outlook, which is being actively developed.

The new Dynamics 365 app for Outlook.

“We encourage our customers to adopt Dynamics 365 App for Outlook, which is a modern Office add-in, and hope that those who have already migrated are able to see the benefits of this modern user experience in terms of interaction as well as deployment,” Microsoft said.