Microsoft has launched the successor of the best-selling Windows Phone device, the Lumia 530, in Malaysia. The dual-SIM variant of the handset will go on sale from August 16th with a RM 355 (almost $110) price tag, and will hit retail in all color options, including green, orange, white, and dark grey.
Not too long ago, the handset landed in Vietnam as well with a similar price tag of $110, and is expected to reach more emerging markets in the coming weeks. As for a quick recap, the handset in question comes with a 4-inch display sporting a resolution of 480 x 854 pixels, with a quad-core Snapdragon processor on board.
There’s 512MB of RAM and 4GB of internal storage, which comes with support for a microSD card for expansion. As far as the photography capabilities are concerned, it features a 5MP camera on the back which isn’t much. There’s no front-facing camera but what more do you want for such a low price tag? Other features include WiFi, Bluetooth, Dual-SIM support, a 1430 mAh battery, and runs Windows Phone 8.1 as its operating system out of the box.