AeroLite Glass Easter egg found in Windows 8


An Easter Egg discovered in the developer preview and beta build of Windows 8 shows that you can enable transparency in the AeroLite theme. By default, there is no option to enable transparency. Read more for directions on how to enable AeroLite Glass.

The website, WinUnleaked, has revealed information on an Easter Egg which enables transparency on Windows with the AeroLite theme enabled. “AeroLite” is the theme that replaced the old and bland “Windows Vista/7 Basic Theme” which now enables effects but no transparency.

The image above shows the way AeroLite should look with no modifications or transparency enabled on the beta. The image on the bottom shows what happens after you run WindowsAnytimeUpgradeResults.exe which enables the Easter Egg.

The website clearly defines the instructions on what you must do in able to enable the “Easter Egg”:

1) Enable AeroLite

2) Navigate to \windows\system32\

3) Launch WindowsAnytimeUpgradeResults.exe

Now you have AeroLite Glass! If you don’t understand the written instructions, try out the YouTube video provided by us below!