Adobe’s popular flagship digital imaging software, Photoshop, is set for an update with the upcoming Creative Suite 6.0 (CS6) and there are several new changes that are sure to create a buzz. Adobe is also offering a “sneak peak” at the upcoming release.
Photoshop CS6, which is set for release around May of 2012, now features a more Apple Aperture-like user interface. Of the new features to note, we get to see a darker interface theme, new 3D capabilities, autosave, and several tool additions. As you can see from the video below, the new theme replaces the light platinum look found in existing versions of the application. Of course, if you do not fancy the new look, Adobe is offering an option to revert back to the classic look. “We have a darker interface that allows for a more immersive experience. We’re able to focus on the image and not on the interface itself. Although, fear not, if you want to change the interface to look as it did before, you can do that,” the video states.
“In this video taken straight from the laptop of our Senior Product Manager, Bryan O’Neil Hughes, get an early look at some of the things the Photoshop team is working on for Camera Raw,” the YouTube description reads. Take a look at the video below which gives a glimpse of the new Photoshop CS6:
Towards the end of the video, we get to see a new feature called “rich cursor support” which pretty much gives you instant information on the diameter of the brush you are using, as well as the hardness and opacity. Adobe has labeled this video as “Sneak Peak #1” which pretty much means there will be more to come. Anyone excited for Photoshop CS6?