343 Industries allow fan driven Halo game to continue development

Kareem Anderson

Perhaps, in a nod to their ongoing efforts to bring the PC and console gaming communities much closer, Microsoft is allowing a fan driven Halo game focused on multiplayer PC experiences to continue.

In spite of numerous first party game development shutdowns recently for Microsoft’s Xbox division, the folks behind Installation 01 have been given the go ahead by 343 Industries via a Skype call.

“Through these interactions, we have been ensured that Installation 01 is not under imminent legal threat, provided we remain non-commercial in nature and scope and continue to follow Microsoft’s Game Content Usage Rules to the letter.”

However, even with Microsoft’s blessing, Installation 01 will have to toe a tight line before, during and after development to remain out of the company’s crosshairs. Steps to ensure safe passage for the game have already been put into place and the developers have issued the following statement in accordance,

“We are now able to say with certainty that Installation 01 will never be accepting donations. We also will not be selling i01 or Halo related merchandise. This is to keep a respectful distance between us and Microsoft’s intellectual property. It is also important to note that these rules and assurances from 343 are specific to Installation 01 as a project, and should not be interpreted to apply elsewhere. Through ongoing communication with 343 Industries we hope that we, as a fan project, can continue to be a positive driving force within the Halo community.”

Thankfully, the project will continue and not only is Microsoft garnering some much-needed mindshare among PC gamers, but its Halo property is expanding its audience and the company’s potential user base going forward.