Microsoft and Apple have always been head to head competitors, with desktop operating systems, all the way down to small music players, Apple and Microsoft are always fighting for the better product. Even though the competition is tense, Microsoft is open to any Metro style applications from Apple.
Microsoft specifically points out that they would love Apple to make a Metro style iTunes application for Windows 8, that would get the ball rolling on what types of applications you can really make with Windows 8.
Steve Ballmer says:
Amazon is an example. They may have a device competitor, but they have certainly behaved like their fundamental business is the service. They’ve done a lot to try to have good support of other folks’ device. We welcome them. We’d welcome Metro-style apps from Amazon. We’d welcome Metro- style applications from Apple in the iTunes case. I don’t know what we’d see there but we’d certainly welcome those. And, because of compatibility, there’s certainly a path forward for everybody.
Will Apple take the chance and create a Metro type iTunes application? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below!
Microsoft unveiled it’s plans for Windows 8 in the BUILD conference earlier this week, they announced the some new features and released a public preview build.